where the rigidity of iron meets the ever-changing motion of the sea, there's a serendipity you will find
the conversational safe space

If you're serious about changing your life, you'll find a way. If you're not, you'll find an excuse.
- Jen Sincero
about the iron sea podcast
Authenticity. I know a lot of folks (re: bloggers, influencers, podcasters, etc.) talk about authenticity and then…live a lifestyle that’s completely not that. I’m here to tell you that I’ve grown weary of this misleading perfection. So, in an effort to stave off bitterness for every internet feed and timeline in the world, I’ve built The Iron Sea. TISP is a creature-comfort, a safe space, a book-nook – it’s a one on one with real humans living in a world that aches to shush the last beating hearts of society. I don’t want to interview professionals that only have tips and tricks to offer. I don’t want experienced know-it-alls. I want raw, bleeding conversations that shake things up and expose The Feels people love to hide away. That’s what this is. What it will always be.

the latest episode...
The Iron Sea Podcast kicks off an exclusive, ongoing project titled:
'Metanoia' [met·a·noi·a] • Greek (n.) the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life
Chapter 00: The Intro
A meet & greet, podcast-style
Welcome to The Iron Sea! Let's have a quick chat before we do the thing...
Chapter 01: Motivation
Featured guest: Barb the Canadian!
Motivation in its many forms is the topic for this inaugural chapter! From fandom to personal POVs, why we do what we do when it comes to the creative, emotional sides of ourselves is at the forefront.
Chapter 02: Update
The reason behind my unintended hiatus...
The Iron Sea returns with an update show! Eve covers what's been going on the last five+ months and where the show is headed in the near future. Email to have your story featured on the show OR to be a future guest.
Chapter 03: Hiding In Our Pain
The post-credits stinger returns!
What is it to hide in our pain, to live alongside our own demons as they work tirelessly to undo all that we are. A solo episode!
Chapter 04: Showing Up
featured guest: Barb returns!
Barb is back to chat what 'showing up' means in regards to our closest relationships & friendships. Rate, review & share!
Special Episode: Happy Thanksgiving!
Bonus holiday mini show...
Just a brief episode to wish y'all a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving!