July 30, 2019
lifestyle + portraiture
You’ve found yourself on the ‘lifestyles’ pages – what does it mean?! Well, it’s sort of an umbrella for all things not weddings or special events. Lifestyles are family photo sessions, maternity and newborns, pets, senior portraits, boudoir and any other form of intimate portrait-lead photography. Here’s where I meet a lot of warm families, goofy kiddos and furry four-legged loves and – I absolutely adore it.
I get to spend a such a brief amount of time with the folks who book me, and weddings are sort of the definition of chaos (in that heart-burstingly wonderful way!) so lifestyle shoots I really revel and take my time with.
Here’s some of the more recent families and folks I’ve photographed. Wanna get in on this gallery action? Say hey ☼

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